Set against the backdrop of a small village, “Vidheyudu” revolves around the life of Ssharadh (played by Akash Goparaju), a young man with a mysterious past. Ssharadh’s life takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a hidden treasure buried deep within the village. As greed and corruption threaten to tear the community apart, Ssharadh embarks on a quest for justice.
Release Date | Dec, 2024 |
Language | Telugu |
Director | Meera SN |
Music | Sai Karthik |
Cast | Nandu, Rachna Malhotra |
Genre | Action |
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“Vidheyudu,” directed by Ganganamoni Shekar, boasts an ensemble cast that brings the story to life. The film stars Akash Goparaju, Bhavana Vazhapandal, Mani Chandana, Tanikella Bharani, and Sammeta Gandhi. Each actor delivers a compelling performance, adding depth to their respective characters.
Set against the backdrop of a small village, “Vidheyudu” revolves around the life of Ssharadh (played by Akash Goparaju), a young man with a mysterious past. Ssharadh’s life takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a hidden treasure buried deep within the village. As greed and corruption threaten to tear the community apart, Ssharadh embarks on a quest for justice.
The film delves into themes of morality, sacrifice, and the power of collective action. Ssharadh’s journey is intertwined with that of his childhood friend, Chandana (Bhavana Vazhapandal), who becomes his confidante and ally. Together, they unravel the secrets buried beneath the village soil, exposing a web of deceit and betrayal.
Box Office and Budget:
“Vidheyudu” has been a box office sensation, surpassing expectations. With a budget of ₹50 crore (approximately US$6.3 million),the film has grossed over ₹171.50 crore (around US$21 million) worldwide. Its success lies not only in its gripping narrative but also in the stellar performances by the cast.
Final Thoreau:
“Vidheyudu” draws inspiration from Henry David Thoreau’s philosophy of civil disobedience and standing up against injustice. Ssharadh’s character embodies Thoreau’s ideals, as he fights not only for personal gain but for the welfare of his community. The film subtly weaves Thoreau’s principles into its narrative, urging viewers to question authority and seek truth.