“Vesavi Selavullo” (meaning “Summer Holiday” in Telugu) was a lighthearted romantic comedy that debuted in 2024. Agastya and Narendra produced it under the Agastya Productions label. Chandu directed it. Even though it didn’t receive much attention, many who were captivated by its endearing story and youthful enthusiasm will never forget it.
Release Date | Dec, 2024 |
Language | Telugu |
Director | Chandu |
Production | Praveen Mughal |
Cast | Kanthi, Farah Khan, Satyam Rajesh |
Genre | Action |
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Kanti: Taking on the central part, Kanti made an enduring impression on the audience with his charisma and innocent appeal.
Siddhi and Farah used their distinct approaches and abilities to create an enthralling love triangle dynamic as the two heroines.
Supporting Cast: The film’s tapestry was enhanced by the powerful performances of veteran performers Tanikella Bharani, Ramesh, Chalapati Rao, and others.
The movie focuses on a bunch of kids having a great time in their hamlet during the summer movie’s primary focus. Amidst the scenic backdrop of rural India, the story unfolds with a carefree attitude of youth, naive flirtations, and humorous banter. The protagonist and the two heroines’ developing romance takes centre stage as they negotiate the tumultuous feelings and fears of first love.
Budget and Box Office:
Regretfully, no more information regarding the movie’s budget or box office receipts is available. But because it was released over the summer holidays, it appealed to people looking for lighthearted amusement, and it might have attracted some decent viewership in its local market.
Last Thoreau:
“Vesavi Selavullo” provides an insight into the Telugu film industry in 2009, even though it may not be a big hit. Its likeable characters, sentimental summertime vibes, and straightforward but captivating plot offer pleasure.