The biographical crime thriller “Stuartpuram Donga” is based on the story of the real-life thief Tiger Nageswara Rao, who operated in the Stuartpuram neighbourhood of Visakhapatnam, India, in the 1970s. According to reports, the movie will examine the reasons behind Nageswara Rao’s illegal actions, his ascent to fame and his subsequent fall from grace.
Release Date | Dec, 2024 |
Language | Telugu |
Director | KS |
Music | Mani Sharma |
Cast | Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas |
Producer | Bellamkonda Suresh |
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Nageswara Rao, portrayed by Bellamkonda Sreenivas (Tiger Nageswara Rao)
Bhatia Tamannaah
The Suresh Reddy
Ramesh Rao
Raj Sampath
Assemble, Srinu
The biographical crime thriller “Stuartpuram Donga” is based on the story of the real-life thief Tiger Nageswara Rao, who operated in the Stuartpuram neighbourhood of Visakhapatnam, India, in the 1970s. According to reports, the movie will examine the reasons behind Nageswara Rao’s illegal actions and his ascent to fame and subsequent fall from grace.
Budget and Box Office:
Although “Stuartpuram Donga”‘s official budget is unclear, it is considered a medium-budget Telugu movie.
Last Thoreau:
I hope this gives you a general idea of what to anticipate from “Stuartpuram Donga.” For additional information, stay tuned for the release date and trailer of the movie in the upcoming months.