Set against the backdrop of a gritty urban landscape, “Rudhiram” delves into the murky world of crime, corruption, and revenge. The story revolves around [Lead Actor], a former cop haunted by a personal tragedy. When his estranged brother is brutally murdered, [Lead Actor] embarks on a relentless quest for justice. His investigation leads him to a powerful criminal syndicate, where he uncovers shocking secrets that threaten to tear apart the city.
Release Date | Dec, 2024 |
Language | Telugu |
Director | Santhosh |
Music | Subhash Anand |
Cast | Jagapati Babu |
Genre | Action |
iBOMMA – Watch and Download iBOMMA Telugu Movies New 2024.
“Rudhiram” boasts an ensemble cast, with each actor delivering powerful performances:
- [Lead Actor] as [Character Name]: The heart and soul of the film, [Lead Actor] brings intensity and vulnerability to the role.
- [Lead Actress] as [Character Name]: [Lead Actress] shines as the fearless and determined [Character Name].
- [Supporting Actor] as [Character Name]: His portrayal of [Character Name] adds depth to the narrative.
- [Supporting Actress] as [Character Name]: [Supporting Actress] captivates with her emotional range.
- [Antagonist] as [Character Name]: The menacing [Antagonist] keeps us on the edge of our seats.
Set against the backdrop of a gritty urban landscape, “Rudhiram” delves into the murky world of crime, corruption, and revenge. The story revolves around [Lead Actor], a former cop haunted by a personal tragedy. When his estranged brother is brutally murdered, [Lead Actor] embarks on a relentless quest for justice. His investigation leads him to a powerful criminal syndicate, where he uncovers shocking secrets that threaten to tear apart the city.
As the tension escalates, [Lead Actress], a fearless journalist, joins forces with [Lead Actor]. Together, they unravel a web of deceit, betrayal, and political intrigue. The stakes are high, and the clock is ticking. Can they expose the truth before it consumes them.
Box Office and Budget:
“Rudhiram” opened to packed theaters, drawing audiences with its gripping storyline and stellar performances. The film’s box office collection reflects its popularity:
- Opening Day: ₹4.36 crores
- First Week: ₹14.9 crores
The film’s budget was a substantial ₹200 crore, a testament to its grand scale and production values.
Final Thoreau:
“Rudhiram” is more than a mere action thriller; it’s a reflection of our society’s complexities. With its compelling narrative, stellar cast, and adrenaline-pumping moments, the film promises to leave an indelible mark on Telugu cinema. Buckle up for a roller-coaster ride of emotions, suspense, and redemption.