In the bustling streets of Hyderabad, where chaos and dreams collide, we meet our protagonist, Sarkaaru Noukari (played by Akash Goparaju). Sarkaaru, a spirited young man with a heart of gold, aspires to change the world—one act of kindness at a time. His life takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a mysterious briefcase containing classified documents.
Release Date | Dec, 2024 |
Language | Telugu |
Director | D Praveen |
Musci | Chakri |
Cast | Tanish, Disha Pandey, Asmita Sood |
Genre | Action |
iBOMMA – Watch and Download iBOMMA Telugu Movies New 2024.
- Director: Ganganamoni Shekar
- Lead Actors: Akash Goparaju, Bhavana Vazhapandal
- Supporting Cast: Mani Chandana, Tanikella Bharani, Sammeta Gandhi, RK Teleshow
In the bustling streets of Hyderabad, where chaos and dreams collide, we meet our protagonist, Sarkaaru Noukari (played by Akash Goparaju). Sarkaaru, a spirited young man with a heart of gold, aspires to change the world—one act of kindness at a time. His life takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a mysterious briefcase containing classified documents.
Box Office and Budget:
- Budget: A whopping ₹200 crore!
- Box Office Gross (Estimated): ₹175.3 crore (and counting!)
The film’s success lies not only in its gripping storyline but also in the stellar performances by the cast. Akash Goparaju’s portrayal of Sarkaaru has struck a chord with audiences, and Bhavana Vazhapandal’s chemistry with him adds depth to the narrative.
Final Thoreau:
As the credits roll, we’re left pondering the impact of our choices. “OK” reminds us that ordinary individuals can become catalysts for change. Whether it’s fighting corruption or standing up for justice, Sarkaaru Noukari’s journey resonates with our own struggles and aspirations.