In the picturesque village of Naatu Kodi, nestled amidst lush green hills, two souls find themselves entwined by fate. Sarkaaru Noukari (played by Akash Goparaju) is a spirited young man with dreams as vast as the sky. His heart beats for adventure, and he yearns to explore the world beyond the village boundaries.
Release Date | Nov, 2024 |
Language | Telugu |
Director | Nani Krishna |
Music | Yajamanya |
Cast | Srikanth, Kota Srinivasa Rao |
Genre | Action |
iBOMMA – Watch and Download iBOMMA Telugu Movies New 2024.
- Director: Ganganamoni Shekar
- Lead Actors: Akash Goparaju, Bhavana Vazhapandal
- Supporting Cast: Mani Chandana, Tanikella Bharani, Sammeta Gandhi, RK Teleshow
In the picturesque village of Naatu Kodi, nestled amidst lush green hills, two souls find themselves entwined by fate. Sarkaaru Noukari (played by Akash Goparaju) is a spirited young man with dreams as vast as the sky. His heart beats for adventure, and he yearns to explore the world beyond the village boundaries.
But destiny has other plans. Sarkaaru’s life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Ssharadh (Bhavana Vazhapandal), a mysterious woman with secrets hidden in her eyes. She carries a burden heavier than the mountains that surround Naatu Kodi. Together, they embark on a journey that will test their courage, loyalty, and love.
Box Office and Budget:
“Naatu Kodi” hit the silver screens with great anticipation. The film’s budget was a modest ₹10 crore1. However, it quickly captured the hearts of the audience, leading to impressive box office numbers. As of now, it has grossed approximately ₹50 crore worldwide. The film’s success lies not only in its gripping storyline but also in the chemistry between the lead actors.
Final Thoreau:
As we delve deeper into “Naatu Kodi,” we discover subtle nods to the transcendentalist writer Henry David Thoreau. The film’s protagonists find solace in nature, echoing Thoreau’s belief in the healing power of wilderness. The dense forests, flowing rivers, and snow-capped peaks become characters in their own right, shaping the destiny of Sarkaaru and Ssharadh.