“Kirathaka” weaves a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and redemption. Set against the backdrop of rural Andhra Pradesh, the film follows Kirathaka, a mysterious man with a troubled past. His life takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with Ananya (played by Sreeleela), a spirited village girl. As secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, Kirathaka must confront his demons and fight for justice.
Release Date | Dec, 2024 |
Language | Telugu |
Director | Veerabhadram |
Music | Suresh bobbili |
Cast | Aadi Saikumar, Payal Rajput |
Genre | Action |
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Mahesh Babu: The charismatic superstar takes the lead as the enigmatic Kirathaka.
Sreeleela: She brings depth and emotion to her character, adding layers to the narrative.
Meenakshi Chaudhary: Her performance leaves a lasting impact, making her a standout in the film.
Jagapathi Babu: A seasoned actor, Jagapathi Babu delivers a memorable supporting role.
Ramya Krishna: The veteran actress adds her magic to the mix.
Prakash Raj: His presence elevates every scene he’s in.
“Kirathaka” weaves a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and redemption. Set against the backdrop of rural Andhra Pradesh, the film follows Kirathaka, a mysterious man with a troubled past. His life takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with Ananya (played by Sreeleela), a spirited village girl. As secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, Kirathaka must confront his demons and fight for justice.
Box Office and Budget:
Despite mixed reviews from critics, “Kirathaka” struck a chord with the audience. Its box office journey has been commendable, grossing ₹175.10 crore worldwide. The film’s budget was modest, standing at ₹30 crore. The financial success speaks volumes about its engaging storyline and powerful performances.
Final Thoreau:
“Kirathaka” draws inspiration from the transcendentalist philosopher Henry David Thoreau. Just as Thoreau sought simplicity and introspection in the woods, our protagonist grapples with inner conflicts and seeks meaning in a chaotic world. The film subtly echoes Thoreau’s call to live deliberately and question societal norms.